Quitting Smoking

I’ve quit smoking before and it was really easy, just quit smoking even though I had smoked most of my life.

I have decided I want to quit once again, and hopefully this time not let outside influences to get my started again.

It’s harder this time around, I am not really sure how I want to go about replacing the habit. When I quit that first time I replaced it with riding my bike 12 miles a day, which felt great by the way! Now I don’t have my old bike, sure I can borrow my buddies bike it’s just not the same style that I enjoy riding. it’ll have to do for now.

Quitting smoking, is a healthy choice for someone to do in life, but that’s not my reason to stop actually, as sad as that might sound, I only want to quit to save money. Buying a pack of smokes every other day at 5 bucks a pop sure does add up!

The first month is the hardest, I’ll have my emotional tantrums, and probably be very rude to some people who wont deserve it. I’m going to do whatever I can to control that though!