Donating Plasma or not…

Today I went to make the plasma donation, however; I was unable to make the donation due to the pulmonary embolism I had, with the way the donation process works, by placing the red cells back in my body it increases my changes of having another blood clot.

It sucks, but what sucks more is that they don’t allow gay men to give plasma. As I was there and going over all the paper work and such one of the big things that they kept asking people about is for women if they have slept with a man who has slept with another man at any time and for men asking them if they have done anything sexual with another man.

I understand people who have AIDS not being able to give, what I don’t understand is why someone who is gay, and not even a gay woman just gay men, not being able to give.  Not to mention if you’d have an STD man or woman, as long as you wait a year after the STD is cured you can give, but because a man is gay he isn’t allowed to make a donation.

They do blood tests before taking the donation, and if the blood is not usable because you had an STD of or some other issue that you weren’t aware of they tell you and tell you can’t give for a while.

But if a man has had sex with a man at any time after 1980 they aren’t allowed to make a donation of blood or plasma, it’s disgusting that they are treating gay healthy men, worse than men that sleep around and have had several STD’s.

I feel bad for not being able to give because that could save someones life, but at the same time I am relieved to not be making a donation to a bunch of bigots.