Dreams…Or Nightmares Rather.

This morning, I was stuck in sleep paralysis, for those of you that do not know what that is it you can read about it >>>here<<<

During my sleep paralysis, I was stuck in a corner of a dark room, at first I heard one voice saying “he’s trying to kill you” it was said over and over, then it became a sort of echo or a chant.

I had tried to scream, while asking why and who, but I couldn’t get it out, it felt like my mouth was sewn shut and the words were forever caught in my throat, luckily my boyfriend woke up and eased me out of the nightmare, coaxing me awake.

For awhile I was unable to fall back to sleep it was pretty terrifying to be told that someone was trying to kill you, but not knowing who was saying it or who was trying to do it all while being paralyzed in a corner of a dark room.

Once I was able to fall back to sleep I ended up having another nightmare, this one wasn’t the same as the last but it was still very alarming.  The feeling I had been like I was drugged, I was off-balance and looking for my boyfriend, pushing through various people trying to find him to tell him that our cats had tried to catch some creature under the bed, I managed to grab the creature and it was a rabid hamster that tried to bite my thumb off, and after the hamster various other animals had started crawling out from under the bed.

While I continued to look for him I ended up at some playground at night still feeling really dizzy and falling all over the place, someone had found me and took my to the Cedar Thomas Medical Clinic (which btw I’m not even sure that is  really clinic or not but that was what was written on the various papers and stuff.) While in the hospital bed I kept asking where my boyfriend was and asking them to call him.

I needed him there, but everyone just kept telling me things would be okay, that I needed to calm down so they could finish running tests on me and that they had found various things wrong with me, they had told me I had kidney stones, ulcers, and that there was something crawling around inside my eyeball, which they were going to have to insert a needle into my eye to try to see if they could get a sample of what was there.

They had said they had never seen anything like that before, I kept telling them I wanted to talk to my boyfriend that I wanted him to be here with me, I wanted them to stop all the testing until he was there to be with me.

Once again my boyfriend woke me up before I had a full-blown panic attack while I was sleeping.

I used to have to take >>>Ambien<<< to sleep at night because these night terrors would cause panic attacks so often.



Other than that I have worked on my writing a bit, I know I haven't posted anything new from my free writing, but believe me it's coming very soon!!!